Enviroment templates

As mentioned in the previous step, FRobs_RL includes two templates to facilitate the creation of a new Gym enviroment. These templates can be found in the folder of templates and are the two basic templates for the CustomRobotEnv and CustomTaskEnv classes.


The CustomRobotEnv must the first class to be filled, as the CustomTaskEnv will inherit this class. In the template init function there are already many parameters included like the parameters to launch Gazebo along the class, the parameters related to the the URDF model loading of the robot, the controllers spawning, namespaces of the parameters, etc. An exert of the function is shown below:

If spawning the robot using the given spawner then set the corresponding environment variables.
rob_state_publisher_max_freq= None
model_pos_x=0.0; model_pos_y=0.0; model_pos_z=0.0
model_ori_x=0.0; model_ori_y=0.0; model_ori_z=0.0; model_ori_w=0.0

The user only needs to change this parameters and the inhered class RobotBasicEnv will spawn the robot with the position and orientation specified. An example of this is shown below:

model_pos_x=0.0; model_pos_y=10.0; model_pos_z=0.0
model_ori_x=0.0; model_ori_y=0.0; model_ori_z=0.0; model_ori_w=1.0


Even if the user decides to spawn the robot without the use of the RobotBasicEnv class they can use the functions availiable in FRobs_RL like spawn_model_in_gazebo, gazebo_set_time_step, urdf_load_from_pkg, etc.

After filling the init function of the CustomRobotEnv the user can fill the optional function _check_subs_and_pubs_connection if all publishers or subscribers of the enviroment are declared inside this class.

class CustomRobotEnv.CustomRobotEnv[source]

Custom Robot Env, use this for all task envs using the custom robot.


Function to check if the Gazebo and ROS connections are ready

Finally, the user only needs to change the name of the class so the CustomTaskEnv can inherit it. An example is shown below:

# With default name
class CustomRobotEnv(robot_BasicEnv.RobotBasicEnv):

# With new name to allow class inheritance
class KobukiLIDAREnv(robot_BasicEnv.RobotBasicEnv):


After creating a CustomRobotEnv the user must fill the task related template CustomTaskEnv. The first change needed is the class that the Task enviroment will inherit and the name of the Task enviroment; the class to inherit must be appropiately imported and its name should be change in the class, an example is shown below:

# With default inherit
from frobs_rl.templates import CustomRobotEnv # Replace with your own robot env
class CustomTaskEnv(CustomRobotEnv.CustomRobotEnv):

# With appropiate inherit of created RobotEnv
from kobuki_maze_rl.robot_env import kobuki_lidar_env
class KobukiMazeEnv(kobuki_lidar_env.KobukiLIDAREnv):

After this change the user must fill the init function of the class where the action and observations spaces must be filled according to the task, some supported spaces are the Discrete space or the Box space, which is a continous space with limit. An example of how to fill the spaces is shown below:

# Using Discrete spaces
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(n_actions)
self.observation_space = spaces.Discrete(n_observations)

# Using Box spaces
self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32)
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32)

Also, the user can create different subscribers or publishers in the init function of this class whether is to obtain observations or to publish some markers, etc.

After filling the init function must fill the following functions:

  • _send_action: The function used to send the commands to the robot.

  • _get_observation: The function to execute when observations from the enviroment are needed.

  • _get_reward: The function that calculates and returns the reward based on the action of the agent.

  • _check_if_done: The function to check if the robot sucess finished the task or reached the goal.

  • _set_episode_init_params (Optional): The function to set ROS or Gazebo initial parameters for the episode, e.g.: the initial position of the robot, the location of obstacles, etc.

class CustomTaskEnv.CustomTaskEnv[source]

Custom Task Env, use this env to implement a task using the robot defined in the CustomRobotEnv


Function to check if the episode is done.

If the episode has a success condition then set done as:

self.info[‘is_success’] = 1.0


Function to get the observation from the environment.


Function to get the reward from the environment.


Function to send an action to the robot


Function to set some parameters, like the position of the robot, at the beginning of each episode.


Some examples of how to fill these functions can be seen in the resources repository FRobs_RL Resources.


The user can also create other functions in the class according to their needs.

Finally, the user must change the Gym register function, located at the top of the file, so the enviroment gets properly registered and can be called from another Python script. The user must select an unique ID (String), they must change the entry point (the location of the file and name of the class) and optionally select a maximum number of steps per episode. An example of how to change the register function is shown below:

# Default register

# Changed register


class CustomRobotEnv.CustomRobotEnv[source]

Custom Robot Env, use this for all task envs using the custom robot.


Function to check if the episode is done.

If the episode has a success condition then set done as:

self.info[‘is_success’] = 1.0


Function to check if the Gazebo and ROS connections are ready


Function to get the observation from the enviroment.


Function to get the reward from the enviroment.


Function to send an action to the robot


Function to set some parameters, like the position of the robot, at the begining of each episode.

class CustomTaskEnv.CustomTaskEnv[source]

Custom Task Env, use this env to implement a task using the robot defined in the CustomRobotEnv


Function to check if the episode is done.

If the episode has a success condition then set done as:

self.info[‘is_success’] = 1.0


Function to get the observation from the environment.


Function to get the reward from the environment.


Function to send an action to the robot


Function to set some parameters, like the position of the robot, at the beginning of each episode.