Example enviroment

In this page we show how to create a robotic manipulator enviroment with a reacher task and how to then train it.

Creating a RobotEnv

The first thing that we need to do is to create a class that inherits from the RobotBasicEnv class. To create this file we can copy the CustomRobotEnv found in the templates folder of the library. Within this class we will be defining the general specifications of the robot like is URDF model, its controllers, the positions where it will be spawned in the Gazebo simulator, among other things. Althought the file contains many functions we only need to focus on the __init__ function and the _check_subs_and_pubs_connection function. The __init__ function is the one that will be called when we create an instance of the class. The _check_subs_and_pubs_connection function can be used to check if the subscribers and publishers are connected to the correct topics.

class CustomRobotEnv(robot_BasicEnv.RobotBasicEnv):
    def __init__(self):
        # Define class variables and functions
        # Initialize parent class
        super(CustomRobotEnv, self).__init__(launch_gazebo, gazebo_init_paused, gazebo_use_gui)
    def _check_subs_and_pubs_connection(self):
        # Checks ROS and Gazebo connections
        raise NotImplementedError()

In our example for the reacher task an ABB IRB120 is used as the robot. The URDF model, the controllers and the spawn position are defined in the __init__ function. As we are using MoveIt some additional functions are defined in the ABBIRB120MoveItEnv class.

class ABBIRB120MoveItEnv(robot_BasicEnv.RobotBasicEnv):
    Superclass for all ABB IRB120 environments.

    def __init__(self):
        Initializes a new ABBIRB120Env environment.

        Sensor Topic List:
        * /joint_states : JointState received for the joints of the robot

        Actuators Topic List:
        * MoveIt! : MoveIt! action server is used to send the joint positions to the robot.
        rospy.loginfo("Starting ABBIRB120MoveIt Env")

        Robot model and controllers parameters
        model_pos_x=0.0; model_pos_y=0.0; model_pos_z=0.0

        Use parameters to allow multiple robots in the environment.
        if rospy.has_param('/ABB_IRB120_Reacher/current_robot_num'):
            num_robot = int(rospy.get_param("/ABB_IRB120_Reacher/current_robot_num") + 1)
            self.model_name_in_gazebo = "robot" + str(num_robot)
            self.namespace = "/robot" + str(num_robot)

            num_robot = 0
            self.model_name_in_gazebo = "robot" + str(num_robot)
            self.namespace = "/"

        rospy.set_param('/ABB_IRB120_Reacher/current_robot_num', num_robot)
        model_pos_x = int(num_robot / 4) * 2.0
        model_pos_y = int(num_robot % 4) * 2.0
        model_pos_z = 0.0

        Set if the controllers in "controller_list" will be reset at the beginning of each episode, default is False.

        Set the reset mode of gazebo at the beginning of each episode: 1 is "reset_world", 2 is "reset_simulation". Default is 1.

        Set the step mode of Gazebo. 1 is "using ros services", 2 is "using step function of gazebo". Default is 1.
        If using the step mode 2 then set the number of steps of Gazebo to take in each episode. Default is 1.

        Init the parent class with the corresponding variables.
        super(ABBIRB120MoveItEnv, self).__init__(   launch_gazebo=False, spawn_robot=True,
                    model_name_in_gazebo=self.model_name_in_gazebo, namespace=self.namespace, pkg_name=pkg_name,
                    urdf_file=urdf_file, controller_file=controller_file, controller_list=self.controller_list, urdf_xacro_args=urdf_xacro_args,
                    model_pos_x=model_pos_x, model_pos_y=model_pos_y, model_pos_z=model_pos_z,
                    reset_controllers=reset_controllers, reset_mode=reset_mode, step_mode=step_mode)

        Define publisher or subscribers as needed.
        if self.namespace is not None and self.namespace != '/':
            self.joint_state_topic = self.namespace + "/joint_states"
            self.joint_state_topic = "/joint_states"

        self.joint_names = [ "joint_1",

        self.joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.joint_state_topic, JointState, self.joint_state_callback)
        self.joint_state = JointState()

        Init MoveIt
        ros_launch.ros_launch_from_pkg("abb_irb120_reacher","moveit_init.launch", args=["namespace:="+str(self.namespace)])
        print(rostopic.get_topic_type("/planning_scene", blocking=True))
        print(rostopic.get_topic_type("/move_group/status", blocking=True))

        If using the _check_subs_and_pubs_connection method, then un-comment the lines below.

        #--- Start MoveIt Object
        self.move_abb_object = MoveABB()

        Finished __init__ method
        rospy.loginfo("Finished Init of ABBIRB120MoveIt Env")

To check if the topics and services are working, we use the _check_subs_and_pubs_connection method.

def _check_subs_and_pubs_connection(self):
    Function to check if the gazebo and ros connections are ready
    return True

def _check_joint_states_ready(self):
    Function to check if the joint states are received
    print( rostopic.get_topic_type(self.joint_state_topic, blocking=True))
    rospy.logdebug("Current "+ self.joint_state_topic +" READY=>" + str(self.joint_state))

    return True

Creating a TaskEnv

After creating the RobotEnv class which contains the general functions for the robot, we create the TaskEnv class which contains the specific functions for the task. As a task must always have a robot the TaskEnv class inherits from the RobotEnv class. Within this class we define the specific functions for the task, like the observation, the reward, the reset, the action space, the observation space, the goal and the termination. To create a file for the task we can copy the template file CustomTaskEnv from the templates folder.

The template has different functions for the observation, the reward, the reset, the action space, the observation space, the goal and the termination. It will also register the enviroment to the OpenAI Gym environment list so that it can be used as a part of the OpenAI Gym library.


class CustomTaskEnv(CustomRobotEnv.CustomRobotEnv):
    Custom Task Env, use this env to implement a task using the robot defined in the CustomRobotEnv

    def __init__(self):
        Describe the task.
        rospy.loginfo("Starting Task Env")

        Init super class.
        super(CustomTaskEnv, self).__init__()

        Define the action and observation space.
        # self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(n_actions)
        # self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32)

        # self.observation_space = spaces.Discrete(n_observations)
        # self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32)

        Define subscribers or publishers as needed.
        # self.pub1 = rospy.Publisher('/robot/controller_manager/command', JointState, queue_size=1)
        # self.sub1 = rospy.Subscriber('/robot/joint_states', JointState, self.callback1)

        Finished __init__ method
        rospy.loginfo("Finished Init of Custom Task env")

    #   Custom available methods for the CustomTaskEnv      #

    def _set_episode_init_params(self):
        Function to set some parameters, like the position of the robot, at the beginning of each episode.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _send_action(self, action):
        Function to send an action to the robot
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _get_observation(self):
        Function to get the observation from the environment.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _get_reward(self):
        Function to get the reward from the environment.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _check_if_done(self):
        Function to check if the episode is done.

        If the episode has a success condition then set done as:
            self.info['is_success'] = 1.0
        raise NotImplementedError()

For our example task, we begin by defining the observation and action space in the __init__ method, along with initializing the ABBIRB120MoveItEnv, which is our RobotEnv.

class ABBIRB120ReacherEnv(abb_irb120_moveit.ABBIRB120MoveItEnv):

    def __init__(self):
        Reacher enviroment for the ABB IRB120 robot.
        rospy.logwarn("Starting ABBIRB120ReacherEnv Task Env")

        Load YAML param file
        ros_params.ros_load_yaml_from_pkg("abb_irb120_reacher", "reacher_task.yaml", ns="/")

        Define the action and observation space.
        #--- Define the ACTION SPACE
        # Define a continuous space using BOX and defining its limits
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(self.min_joint_values), high=np.array(self.max_joint_values), dtype=np.float32)

        #--- Define the OBSERVATION SPACE
        observations_high_goal_pos_range = np.array(np.array([self.position_goal_max["x"], self.position_goal_max["y"], self.position_goal_max["z"]]))
        observations_low_goal_pos_range  = np.array(np.array([self.position_goal_min["x"], self.position_goal_min["y"], self.position_goal_min["z"]]))

        observations_high_vec_EE_GOAL = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        observations_low_vec_EE_GOAL  = np.array([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0])

        #- With Vector from EE to goal, Goal pos and joint angles
        high = np.concatenate([observations_high_vec_EE_GOAL, observations_high_goal_pos_range, self.max_joint_values, ])
        low  = np.concatenate([observations_low_vec_EE_GOAL,  observations_low_goal_pos_range,  self.min_joint_values, ])

        #--- Observation space
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, dtype=np.float32)

        #-- Action space for sampling
        self.goal_space = spaces.Box(low=observations_low_goal_pos_range, high=observations_high_goal_pos_range, dtype=np.float32)

        Define subscribers or publishers as needed.

        self.goal_subs  = rospy.Subscriber("goal_pos", Point, self.goal_callback)
        if self.training:
            ros_node.ros_node_from_pkg("abb_irb120_reacher", "pos_publisher.py", name="pos_publisher", ns="/")
            self.set_init_goal_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("set_init_point", SetLinkState)

        Init super class.
        super(ABBIRB120ReacherEnv, self).__init__()

        Finished __init__ method
        rospy.logwarn("Finished Init of ABBIRB120ReacherEnv Task Env")

After defining the observation and action space we define the methods to execute an action and get the observation.

def _send_action(self, action):
    The action are the joint positions
    rospy.logwarn("=== Action: {}".format(action))

    #--- Make actions as deltas
    action = self.joint_values + action
    action = np.clip(action, self.min_joint_values, self.max_joint_values)

    self.movement_result = self.set_trajectory_joints(action)
    if not self.movement_result:
        rospy.logwarn("Movement_result failed with the action of : " + str(action))

def _get_observation(self):
    It returns the position of the EndEffector as observation.
    And the distance from the desired point
    Orientation for the moment is not considered

    #--- Get Current Joint values
    self.joint_values = self.get_joint_angles()

    #--- Get current goal
    current_goal = self.goal

    #--- Get EE position
    ee_pos_v = self.get_ee_pose() # Get a geometry_msgs/PoseStamped msg
    self.ee_pos = np.array([ee_pos_v.pose.position.x, ee_pos_v.pose.position.y, ee_pos_v.pose.position.z])

    #--- Vector to goal
    vec_EE_GOAL = current_goal - self.ee_pos
    vec_EE_GOAL = vec_EE_GOAL / np.linalg.norm(vec_EE_GOAL)

    obs = np.concatenate((
        vec_EE_GOAL,             # Vector from EE to Goal
        current_goal,            # Position of Goal
        self.joint_values        # Current joint angles

    return obs.copy()

Then we proceed by defining the reward method and the method for episode termination.

def _get_reward(self):
    Given a success of the execution of the action
    Calculate the reward: binary => 1 for success, 0 for failure

    #--- Get current EE pos
    current_pos = self.ee_pos # If using ARRAY

    #- Init reward
    reward = 0

    #- Check if the EE reached the goal
    done = False
    done = self.calculate_if_done(self.movement_result, self.goal, current_pos)
    if done:
        if self.pos_dynamic is False:
            rospy.logwarn("SUCCESS Reached a Desired Position!")
            self.info['is_success'] = 1.0

        #- Success reward
        reward += self.reached_goal_reward
        #- Distance from EE to Goal reward
        dist2goal = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(current_pos, self.goal)
        reward += - self.mult_dist_reward*dist2goal

        #- Constant reward
        reward += self.step_reward


    #- Check if joints are in limits
    joint_angles = np.array(self.joint_values)
    min_joint_values = np.array(self.min_joint_values)
    max_joint_values = np.array(self.max_joint_values)
    in_limits = np.any(joint_angles<=(min_joint_values+0.0001)) or np.any(joint_angles>=(max_joint_values-0.0001))
    reward += in_limits*self.joint_limits_reward


    return reward

def _check_if_done(self):
    Check if the EE is close enough to the goal

    #--- Get current EE based on the observation
    current_pos = self.ee_pos # If using ARRAY

    #--- Function used to calculate
    done = self.calculate_if_done(self.movement_result, self.goal, current_pos)
    if done:
        rospy.logdebug("Reached a Desired Position!")

    #--- If the position is dynamic the episode is never done
    if self.pos_dynamic is True:
        done = False

    return done


It is important to say that we can add as many methods to the class as we require.

Finally, we add the register function at the beginning of the file to register the enviroment within the OpenAI Gym library.


Setting the training parameters

After we have defined the Task enviroment we need to create a YAML file with the training parameters. Based on the algorithm that we choose we can copy the template file from the config folder of FRobs_RL and modify it.

In this example we will use the TD3 algorithm and we will set the number of training steps to 100000. We will also set a saving frequency of the model, so the trained model is being constantly saved and not only at the end of the training. The saving frequency will be set to 5000 steps. We will set the log folder to TD3_New, in this folder the tensorboard logs will be saved.Finally, we can set parameters to use a custom policy architecture and the TD3 specific parameters. After all the changes are made to the template the file will look as follows:


    # Training
    training_steps: 100000      # The number of training steps to perform

    # Save params
    save_freq: 5000
    save_prefix: td3_model
    trained_model_name: trained_model
    save_replay_buffer: False

    # Load model params - Used to load a trained model and continue training
    load_model: False
    model_name: trained_model_01_09_2021_10_11_11

    # Logging parameters
    log_folder: TD3_New
    log_interval: 1 # The number of episodes between logs
    reset_num_timesteps: False # If true, will reset the number of timesteps to 0 every training

    # Use custom policy - Only used when new model is created
    use_custom_policy: False
        net_arch: [400, 300] # List of hidden layer sizes
        activation_fn: relu  # relu, tanh, elu or selu
        features_extractor_class: FlattenExtractor # FlattenExtractor, BaseFeaturesExtractor or CombinedExtractor
        optimizer_class: Adam # Adam, Adadelta, Adagrad, RMSprop or SGD

    # UseAction noise
    use_action_noise: True # For now only Gaussian noise is supported
        mean: 0.0
        sigma: 0.01

    # TD3 parameters
        learning_rate: 0.001
        buffer_size: 1000000
        learning_starts: 100
        batch_size: 100
        tau: 0.005
        gamma: 0.99
        gradient_steps: -1
        policy_delay: 2
        target_policy_noise: 0.2
        target_noise_clip: 0.5
        freq: 20
        unit: step  # episode or step

Training the model

Finally, we will need to create a simple script to train the model which calls the train function of the ABBIRB120ReacherEnv class and uses the TD3 algorithm with the parameters defined in the YAML file.

In the following script, the Gazebo simulator is launched, then the environment is created and some wrappers are applied to the environment. The environment is then trained using the TD3 algorithm with the parameters defined in the YAML file. And finally, the trained model is saved.

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Kill all processes related to previous runs

# Launch Gazebo
ros_gazebo.launch_Gazebo(paused=True, gui=False)

# Start node

# Launch the task environment
env = gym.make('ABBIRB120ReacherEnv-v0')

#--- Normalize action space
env = NormalizeActionWrapper(env)

#--- Normalize observation space
env = NormalizeObservWrapper(env)

#--- Set max steps
env = TimeLimitWrapper(env, max_steps=100)

#--- Set the save and log path
rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
pkg_path = rospack.get_path("abb_irb120_reacher")

#-- TD3
save_path = pkg_path + "/models/static_reacher/td3/" # Path where the model will be saved
log_path = pkg_path + "/logs/aux/td3/"               # Path where the logs will be saved
model = TD3(env, save_path, log_path, config_file_pkg="abb_irb120_reacher", config_filename="td3_aux.yaml")

#-- Train the model and save it
