Source code for basic_model


import os
from datetime import datetime
from frobs_rl.models.utils import get_policy_kwargs, get_action_noise

# ROS packages required
import rospy

# SB3 Callbacks
from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import CheckpointCallback

# Logger
from stable_baselines3.common.logger import configure

[docs]class BasicModel: """ Base class for all the algorithms supported by the frobs_rl library. :param env: The environment to be used. :param save_model_path: The path to save the model. :param log_path: The path to save the log. :param ns: The namespace of the parameters. :param load_trained: Whether or not to load a trained model. """ def __init__(self, env, save_model_path, log_path, ns="/", load_trained=False) -> None: """ BasicModel constructor. """ self.env = env self.ns = ns self.save_model_path = save_model_path self.log_path = log_path self.save_trained_model_path = None self.model = None if load_trained is False: #--- Policy kwargs self.policy_kwargs = get_policy_kwargs(ns=ns) #--- Noise kwargs self.action_noise = get_action_noise(self.env.action_space.shape[-1], ns=ns) #--- Callback save_freq = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/save_freq") save_prefix = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/save_prefix") self.checkpoint_callback = CheckpointCallback( save_freq=save_freq, save_path=save_model_path, name_prefix=save_prefix)
[docs] def train(self) -> bool: """ Function to train the model the number of steps specified in the ROS parameter server. The function will automatically save the model after training. :return: True if the training was successful, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ training_steps = rospy.get_param(self.ns + "/model_params/training_steps") learn_log_int = rospy.get_param(self.ns + "/model_params/log_interval") learn_reset_num_tm = rospy.get_param(self.ns + "/model_params/reset_num_timesteps") if learn_reset_num_tm is False: self.env = self.model.get_env() self.env.reset() self.model.learn(total_timesteps=int(training_steps), callback=self.checkpoint_callback, log_interval=learn_log_int, reset_num_timesteps=learn_reset_num_tm) self.save_model() return True
[docs] def save_model(self) -> bool: """ Function to save the model. :return: True if the model was saved, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ #--- Model name trained_model_name = rospy.get_param(self.ns + "/model_params/trained_model_name") # If file exists, name the new model with a suffix self.save_trained_model_path = self.save_model_path + trained_model_name if os.path.isfile(self.save_model_path + trained_model_name + ".zip"): now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S") self.save_trained_model_path = self.save_trained_model_path +"_" + dt_string rospy.logwarn("Trained model name already exists, saving as: " + trained_model_name + "_" + dt_string) self.save_replay_buffer() return True
[docs] def save_replay_buffer(self) -> bool: """ Funtion to save the replay buffer, to be used the training must be finished or an error will be raised. :return: True if the replay buffer was saved, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if self.save_trained_model_path is None: raise ValueError("Model not trained yet, cannot save replay buffer") if rospy.get_param(self.ns + "/model_params/save_replay_buffer"): rospy.logwarn("Saving replay buffer") self.model.save_replay_buffer(self.save_trained_model_path+'_replay_buffer')
[docs] def set_model_logger(self) -> bool: """ Function to set the logger of the model. :return: True if the logger was set, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ log_folder = rospy.get_param(self.ns + "/model_params/log_folder") log_path = self.log_path + log_folder assert not os.path.exists(log_path), "Log folder already exists, to log into that folder first delete it." new_logger = configure(log_path+'/', ["stdout", "csv", "tensorboard"]) self.model.set_logger(new_logger) return True
[docs] def close_env(self) -> bool: """ Use the env close method to close the environment. :return: True if the environment was closed, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ self.env.close() return True
[docs] def check_env(self) -> bool: """ Use the stable-baselines check_env method to check the environment. :return: True if the environment is correct, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ self.env.check_env() return True
[docs] def predict(self, observation, state=None, mask=None, deterministic=False): """ Get the current action based on the observation, state or mask :param observation: The enviroment observation :type observation: ndarray :param state: The previous states of the enviroment, used in recurrent policies. :type state: ndarray :param mask: The mask of the last states, used in recurrent policies. :type mask: ndarray :param deterministic: Whether or not to return deterministic actions. :type deterministic: bool :return: The action to be taken and the next state(for recurrent policies) :rtype: ndarray, ndarray """ return self.model.predict(observation, state=state, mask=mask, deterministic=deterministic)