Source code for ppo


import os
import stable_baselines3
from frobs_rl.common import ros_params
from frobs_rl.models import basic_model

# ROS packages required
import rospy

[docs]class PPO(basic_model.BasicModel): """ Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. Paper: :param env: The environment to be used. :param save_model_path: The path to save the model. :param log_path: The path to save the log. :param load_trained: Whether to load a trained model or not. :param config_file_pkg: The package where the config file is located. Default: frobs_rl. :param config_filename: The name of the config file. Default: ppo_config.yaml. :param ns: The namespace of the ROS parameters. Default: "/". """ def __init__(self, env, save_model_path, log_path, load_trained=False, config_file_pkg="frobs_rl", config_filename="ppo_config.yaml", ns="/") -> None: """ PPO constructor. """ rospy.loginfo("Init PPO Policy") print("Init PPO Policy") self.env = env self.ns = ns self.save_model_path = save_model_path self.save_trained_model_path = None # Load YAML Config File ros_params.ros_load_yaml_from_pkg(config_file_pkg, config_filename, ns=ns) #--- Init super class super(PPO, self).__init__(env, save_model_path, log_path, load_trained=load_trained) if load_trained: rospy.logwarn("Loading trained model") self.model = stable_baselines3.PPO.load(save_model_path, env=env) else: #--- SDE for PPO if rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/use_sde"): model_sde = True model_sde_sample_freq = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/sde_params/sde_sample_freq") self.action_noise = None else: model_sde = False model_sde_sample_freq = -1 #--- PPO model parameters model_learning_rate = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/learning_rate") model_n_steps = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/n_steps") model_batch_size = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/batch_size") model_n_epochs = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/n_epochs") model_gamma = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/gamma") model_gae_lambda = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/gae_lambda") model_clip_range = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/clip_range") model_ent_coef = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/ent_coef") model_vf_coef = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/vf_coef") model_max_grad_norm = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/ppo_params/max_grad_norm") #--- Create or load model if rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/load_model"): # Load model model_name = rospy.get_param(ns + "/model_params/model_name") assert os.path.exists(save_model_path + model_name + ".zip"), "Model {} doesn't exist".format(model_name) rospy.logwarn("Loading model: " + model_name) self.model = stable_baselines3.PPO.load(save_model_path + model_name, env=env, verbose=1, learning_rate=model_learning_rate, use_sde=model_sde, sde_sample_freq= model_sde_sample_freq, n_steps=model_n_steps, batch_size=model_batch_size, n_epochs=model_n_epochs, gamma=model_gamma, gae_lambda=model_gae_lambda, clip_range=model_clip_range, ent_coef=model_ent_coef, vf_coef=model_vf_coef, max_grad_norm=model_max_grad_norm) if os.path.exists(save_model_path + model_name + "_replay_buffer.pkl"): rospy.logwarn("Loading replay buffer") self.model.load_replay_buffer(save_model_path + model_name + "_replay_buffer") else: rospy.logwarn("No replay buffer found") else: # Create new model rospy.logwarn("Creating new model") self.model = stable_baselines3.PPO("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1 , learning_rate=model_learning_rate, use_sde=model_sde, sde_sample_freq= model_sde_sample_freq, n_steps=model_n_steps, batch_size=model_batch_size, n_epochs=model_n_epochs, gamma=model_gamma, gae_lambda=model_gae_lambda, clip_range=model_clip_range, ent_coef=model_ent_coef, policy_kwargs=self.policy_kwargs, vf_coef=model_vf_coef, max_grad_norm=model_max_grad_norm) #--- Logger self.set_model_logger()
[docs] def load_trained(model_path, env=None): """ Load a trained model. Use only with predict function, as the logs will not be saved. :param model_path: The path to the trained model. :type model_path: str :param env: The environment to be used. :type env: gym.Env :return: The loaded model. :rtype: frobs_rl.PPO """ model = PPO(env=env, save_model_path=model_path, log_path=model_path, load_trained=True) return model