Source code for robot_BasicEnv


import gym
from frobs_rl.common import ros_gazebo
from frobs_rl.common import ros_controllers
from frobs_rl.common import ros_node
from frobs_rl.common import ros_spawn
import rospy

[docs]class RobotBasicEnv(gym.Env): """ Basic enviroment for all the robot environments in the frobs_rl library. To use a custom world, one can use two options: 1) set the path directly to the world file (``world_path``) or set the pkg name and world filename (``world_pkg`` and ``world_filename``). :param launch_gazebo: If True, launch Gazebo at the start of the env. :type launch_gazebo: bool :param gazebo_init_paused: If True, Gazebo is initialized in a paused state. :type gazebo_init_paused: bool :param gazebo_use_gui: If True, Gazebo is launched with a GUI (through gzclient). :type gazebo_use_gui: bool :param gazebo_recording: If True, Gazebo is launched with a recording of the GUI (through gzclient). :type gazebo_recording: bool :param gazebo_freq: The publish rate of gazebo in Hz. :type gazebo_freq: int :param world_path: If using a custom world then the path to the world. :type world_path: str :param world_pkg: If using a custom world then the package name of the world. :type world_pkg: str :param world_filename: If using a custom world then the filename of the world. :type world_filename: str :param gazebo_max_freq: max update rate for gazebo in real time factor: 1 is real time, 10 is 10 times real time. :type gazebo_max_freq: float :param gazebo_timestep: The timestep of gazebo in seconds. :type gazebo_timestep: float :param spawn_robot: If True, the robot is spawned in the environment. :type spawn_robot: bool :param model_name_in_gazebo: The name of the model in gazebo. :type model_name_in_gazebo: str :param namespace: The namespace of the robot. :type namespace: str :param pkg_name: The package name where the robot model is located. :type pkg_name: str :param urdf_file: The path to the urdf file of the robot. :type urdf_file: str :param urdf_folder: The path to the folder where the urdf files are located. Default is "/urdf". :type urdf_folder: str :param urdf_xacro_args: The arguments to be passed to the xacro parser. :type urdf_xacro_args: str :param controller_file: The path to the controllers YAML file of the robot. :type controller_file: str :param controller_list: The list of controllers to be launched. :type controller_list: list of str :param rob_state_publisher_max_freq: The maximum frequency of the ros state publisher. :type rob_state_publisher_max_freq: int :param rob_st_term: If True, the robot state publisher is launched in a new terminal. :type rob_st_term: bool :param model_pos_x: The x position of the robot in the world. :param model_pos_y: The y position of the robot in the world. :param model_pos_z: The z position of the robot in the world. :param model_ori_x: The x orientation of the robot in the world. :param model_ori_y: The y orientation of the robot in the world. :param model_ori_z: The z orientation of the robot in the world. :param model_ori_w: The w orientation of the robot in the world. :param reset_controllers: If True, the controllers are reset at the start of each episode. :type reset_controllers: bool :param reset_mode: If 1, reset Gazebo with a "reset_world" (Does not reset time) If 2, reset Gazebo with a "reset_simulation" (Resets time) :param step_mode: If 1, step Gazebo using the "pause_physics" and "unpause_physics" services. If 2, step Gazebo using the "step_simulation" command. :param num_gazebo_steps: If using step_mode 2, the number of steps to be taken. """ def __init__( self, launch_gazebo=False, gazebo_init_paused=True, gazebo_use_gui=True, gazebo_recording=False, gazebo_freq=100, world_path=None, world_pkg=None, world_filename=None, gazebo_max_freq=None, gazebo_timestep=None, spawn_robot=False, model_name_in_gazebo="robot", namespace="/robot", pkg_name=None, urdf_file=None, urdf_folder="/urdf", controller_file=None, controller_list=None, urdf_xacro_args=None, rob_state_publisher_max_freq= None, rob_st_term=False, model_pos_x=0.0, model_pos_y=0.0, model_pos_z=0.0, model_ori_x=0.0, model_ori_y=0.0, model_ori_z=0.0, model_ori_w=0.0, reset_controllers=False, reset_mode=1, step_mode=1, num_gazebo_steps=1): """ Function to initialize the environment. """ super(RobotBasicEnv, self).__init__() self.namespace = namespace self.num_gazebo_steps = num_gazebo_steps self.reset_controllers = reset_controllers self.controllers_list = controller_list self.reset_mode = reset_mode self.step_mode = step_mode # If Launch Gazebo, launch it if launch_gazebo: ros_gazebo.launch_Gazebo( paused=gazebo_init_paused, use_sim_time=True, gui=gazebo_use_gui, recording=gazebo_recording, pub_clock_frequency=gazebo_freq, custom_world_path=world_path, custom_world_pkg=world_pkg, custom_world_name=world_filename) # Set the max frequency and timestep of Gazebo if gazebo_max_freq is not None: ros_gazebo.gazebo_set_max_update_rate(gazebo_max_freq) if gazebo_timestep is not None: ros_gazebo.gazebo_set_time_step(gazebo_timestep) # If spawn robot, spawn it if spawn_robot: ros_spawn.spawn_model_in_gazebo(pkg_name, urdf_file, controller_file, self.controllers_list, model_urdf_folder=urdf_folder, ns=self.namespace, args_xacro=urdf_xacro_args, max_pub_freq=rob_state_publisher_max_freq, rob_st_term=rob_st_term, gazebo_name=model_name_in_gazebo, gaz_ref_frame="world", pos_x=model_pos_x, pos_y=model_pos_y, pos_z=model_pos_z, ori_x=model_ori_x, ori_y=model_ori_y, ori_z=model_ori_z, ori_w=model_ori_w) if self.reset_controllers: ros_gazebo.gazebo_unpause_physics() ros_controllers.reset_controllers_srv(controller_list, ns=self.namespace) ros_gazebo.gazebo_pause_physics() rospy.loginfo("Started RobotBasicEnv")
[docs] def step(self, action): """ Function to send an action to the robot and get the observation and reward. """ rospy.loginfo("Step Env") = {} self.observation = None self.reward = 0.0 # If using pause and unpause services if self.step_mode == 1: ros_gazebo.gazebo_unpause_physics() self._send_action(action) ros_gazebo.gazebo_pause_physics() # If using the gazebo step command elif self.step_mode == 2: self._send_action(action) ros_gazebo.gazebo_step_physics(steps=self.num_gazebo_steps) self.observation = self._get_observation() self.reward = self._get_reward() self.done = self._check_if_done() return self.observation, self.reward, self.done,
[docs] def reset(self): """ Function to reset the enviroment after an episode is done. """ rospy.loginfo("Resetting Env") ros_gazebo.gazebo_pause_physics() self._reset_gazebo() self.observation = self._get_observation() return self.observation
[docs] def close (self): """ Function to close the environment when training is done. """ rospy.loginfo("Closing Env") rospy.signal_shutdown("Closing RobotGazeboEnvironment") ros_gazebo.close_Gazebo() ros_node.ros_kill_all_nodes() ros_node.ros_kill_master() ros_node.ros_kill_all_processes() print("Closed ROS and Env")
#---------------------------------------------# # Methods to be overridden in the child Env #
[docs] def _send_action(self, action): """ Function to send an action to the robot """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _get_observation(self): """ Function to get the observation from the enviroment. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _get_reward(self): """ Function to get the reward from the enviroment. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _check_if_done(self): """ Function to check if the episode is done. If the episode has a success condition then set done as:['is_success'] = 1.0 """ raise NotImplementedError()
#------------------------------------------# # Custom methods for the RobotBasicEnv #
[docs] def _reset_gazebo(self): """ Function to reset the gazebo simulation. """ # If resetting world (Does not reset time) if self.reset_mode == 1: ros_gazebo.gazebo_reset_world() # If resetting simulation (Resets time) elif self.reset_mode == 2: ros_gazebo.gazebo_reset_sim() if self.reset_controllers: ros_gazebo.gazebo_unpause_physics() ros_controllers.reset_controllers_srv(self.controllers_list, ns=self.namespace) ros_gazebo.gazebo_pause_physics() ros_gazebo.gazebo_unpause_physics() self._check_subs_and_pubs_connection() self._set_episode_init_params() ros_gazebo.gazebo_pause_physics()
#------------------------------------------# # Custom methods for the RobotBasicEnv #
[docs] def _check_subs_and_pubs_connection(self): """ Function to check if the gazebo and ros connections are ready """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _set_episode_init_params(self): """ Function to set some parameters, like the position of the robot, at the begining of each episode. """ raise NotImplementedError()