Source code for ros_controllers


import rospy
from controller_manager_msgs.srv import *

[docs]def load_controller_srv(controller_name, ns=None, max_retries=5) -> bool: """ Function to load a controller on the namespace. :param controller_name: name of the controller to load :type controller_name: string :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param max_retries: number of retries to load the controller. :type max_retries: int :return: true if the controller is loaded. :rtype: bool """ if ns is not None: srv_name = ns + '/controller_manager/load_controller' else: srv_name = '/controller_manager/load_controller' rospy.wait_for_service(srv_name) client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv_name, LoadController) try: for ii in range(max_retries): srv_request = LoadControllerRequest(name=controller_name) resp1 = client_srv(srv_request) if resp1.ok: return True if resp1.ok is False: print("Controller " + controller_name + " could not be loaded.") return resp1.ok except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print("Service did not process request: " + str(exc)) return False
[docs]def load_controller_list_srv(controller_list,ns=None, max_retries=5) -> None: """ Function to load a list of controllers on the namespace. :param controller_list: list of controllers to load :type controller_list: list of strings :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param max_retries: number of retries to load the controller. :type max_retries: int """ for controller in controller_list: load_controller_srv(controller, ns=ns, max_retries=max_retries)
[docs]def unload_controller_srv(controller_name,ns=None, max_retries=5) -> bool: """ Function to unload a controller on the namespace. :param controller_name: name of the controller to unload :type controller_name: string :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param max_retries: number of retries to unload the controller. :type max_retries: int :return: true if the controller is unloaded. :rtype: bool """ if ns is not None: srv_name = ns + '/controller_manager/unload_controller' else: srv_name = '/controller_manager/unload_controller' rospy.wait_for_service(srv_name) client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv_name, UnloadController) try: for ii in range(max_retries): srv_request = UnloadControllerRequest(name=controller_name) resp1 = client_srv(srv_request) if resp1.ok: return True if resp1.ok is False: print("Controller " + controller_name + " could not be unloaded.") return resp1.ok except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print("Service did not process request: " + str(exc)) return False
[docs]def unload_controller_list_srv(controller_list,ns=None, max_retries=5) -> None: """ Function to unload a list of controllers on the namespace. :param controller_list: list of controllers to unload :type controller_list: list of strings :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param max_retries: number of retries to unload the controller. :type max_retries: int """ for controller in controller_list: unload_controller_srv(controller, ns=ns, max_retries=max_retries)
[docs]def switch_controllers_srv( start_controllers, stop_controllers, ns=None, strictness=1, start_asap=False, timeout=3.0, max_retries=5) -> bool: """ Function to switch controllers on the namespace. :param start_controllers: list of controllers to start :type start_controllers: list of strings :param stop_controllers: list of controllers to stop :type stop_controllers: list of strings :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param strictness: strictness of the controller manager: BEST_EFFORT or STRICT (1 and 2, respectively). :type strictness: int :param start_asap: start the controllers as soon as their hardware dependencies are ready, will wait for all interfaces to be ready otherwise. :type start_asap: bool :param timeout: the timeout in seconds before aborting pending controllers. Zero for infinite. :type timeout: float :param max_retries: number of retries to switch the controller. :type max_retries: int :return: true if the operation is successful. :rtype: bool """ if ns is not None: srv_name = ns + '/controller_manager/switch_controller' else: srv_name = '/controller_manager/switch_controller' rospy.wait_for_service(srv_name) client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv_name, SwitchController) try: for ii in range(max_retries): srv_request = SwitchControllerRequest( start_controllers=start_controllers,stop_controllers=stop_controllers, strictness=strictness,start_asap=start_asap,timeout=timeout) resp1 = client_srv(srv_request) if resp1.ok: return True if resp1.ok is False: print("Controllers could not be switched.") return resp1.ok except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print("Service did not process request: " + str(exc)) return False
[docs]def start_controllers_srv(start_controllers, ns=None, strictness=1, start_asap=False, timeout=3.0) -> bool: """ Function to start controllers on the namespace. :param start_controllers: list of controllers to start :type start_controllers: list of strings :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param strictness: strictness of the controller manager: BEST_EFFORT or STRICT (1 and 2, respectively). :type strictness: int :param start_asap: start the controllers as soon as their hardware dependencies are ready, will wait for all interfaces to be ready otherwise. :type start_asap: bool :param timeout: the timeout in seconds before aborting pending controllers. Zero for infinite. :type timeout: float :return: true if the operation is successful. :rtype: bool """ return switch_controllers_srv(start_controllers, [], ns=ns, strictness=strictness, start_asap=start_asap, timeout=timeout)
[docs]def stop_controllers_srv(stop_controllers, ns=None, strictness=1, start_asap=False, timeout=3.0) -> bool: """ Function to start controllers on the namespace. :param stop_controllers: list of controllers to stop :type stop_controllers: list of strings :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param strictness: strictness of the controller manager: BEST_EFFORT or STRICT (1 and 2, respectively). :type strictness: int :param start_asap: start the controllers as soon as their hardware dependencies are ready, will wait for all interfaces to be ready otherwise. :type start_asap: bool :param timeout: the timeout in seconds before aborting pending controllers. Zero for infinite. :type timeout: float :return: true if the operation is successful. :rtype: bool """ return switch_controllers_srv([], stop_controllers, ns=ns, strictness=strictness, start_asap=start_asap, timeout=timeout)
[docs]def reset_controllers_srv(reset_controllers, max_retries=10, ns=None, strictness=1, start_asap=False, timeout=3.0) -> bool: """ Function to reset controllers on the namespace. :param reset_controllers: list of controllers to reset :type reset_controllers: list of strings :param max_retries: number of times to retry resetting a controller before giving up. :type max_retries: int :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param strictness: strictness of the controller manager: BEST_EFFORT or STRICT (1 and 2, respectively). :type strictness: int :param start_asap: start the controllers as soon as their hardware dependencies are ready, will wait for all interfaces to be ready otherwise. :type start_asap: bool :param timeout: the timeout in seconds before aborting pending controllers. Zero for infinite. :type timeout: float :return: true if the operation is successful. :rtype: bool """ done_switch_off = False for ii in range(max_retries): done_switch_off = stop_controllers_srv(reset_controllers, ns=ns, strictness=strictness, start_asap=start_asap, timeout=timeout) if done_switch_off: break if not done_switch_off: return False done_switch_on = False for ii in range(max_retries): done_switch_on = start_controllers_srv(reset_controllers, ns=ns, strictness=strictness, start_asap=start_asap, timeout=timeout) if done_switch_on: break if not done_switch_on: return False return True
[docs]def spawn_controllers_srv(spawn_controllers, ns=None, strictness=1, start_asap=False, timeout=3.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn controllers on the namespace. :param spawn_controllers: list of controllers to spawn :type spawn_controllers: list of strings :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param strictness: strictness of the controller manager: BEST_EFFORT or STRICT (1 and 2, respectively). :type strictness: int :param start_asap: start the controllers as soon as their hardware dependencies are ready, will wait for all interfaces to be ready otherwise. :type start_asap: bool :param timeout: the timeout in seconds before aborting pending controllers. Zero for infinite. :type timeout: float :return: true if the operation is successful. :rtype: bool """ load_controller_list_srv(spawn_controllers, ns=ns) return start_controllers_srv(spawn_controllers, ns=ns, strictness=strictness, start_asap=start_asap, timeout=timeout)
[docs]def kill_controllers_srv(kill_controllers, ns=None, strictness=1, start_asap=False, timeout=3.0) -> bool: """ Function to kill controllers on the namespace. :param kill_controllers: list of controllers to kill :type kill_controllers: list of strings :param ns: namespace :type ns: string :param strictness: strictness of the controller manager: BEST_EFFORT or STRICT (1 and 2, respectively). :type strictness: int :param start_asap: start the controllers as soon as their hardware dependencies are ready, will wait for all interfaces to be ready otherwise. :type start_asap: bool :param timeout: the timeout in seconds before aborting pending controllers. Zero for infinite. :type timeout: float :return: true if the operation is successful. :rtype: bool """ res = stop_controllers_srv(kill_controllers, ns=ns, strictness=strictness, start_asap=start_asap, timeout=timeout) if res: unload_controller_list_srv(kill_controllers, ns=ns) return True else: return False