Source code for ros_gazebo


import rospy
import rospkg
import os
import subprocess
import time
import xacro
from rospy.service import ServiceException

from gazebo_msgs.srv import GetPhysicsProperties, SetPhysicsProperties, SetPhysicsPropertiesRequest
from gazebo_msgs.srv import DeleteModel, SpawnModel
from gazebo_msgs.srv import DeleteModelRequest, SpawnModelRequest
from gazebo_msgs.srv import GetModelState, SetModelState
from gazebo_msgs.srv import GetModelStateRequest, SetModelStateRequest
from gazebo_msgs.msg import ODEPhysics, ModelState
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3
from std_srvs.srv import Empty
from std_msgs.msg import Header
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Point, Quaternion, Twist

[docs]def launch_Gazebo( paused=False, use_sim_time=True, gui=True, recording=False, debug=False, verbose=False, output='screen', custom_world_path=None, custom_world_pkg=None, custom_world_name=None, respawn_gazebo=False, pub_clock_frequency=100, server_required=False, gui_required=False, launch_new_term=True) -> bool: """ Launch Gazebo using the ROS network. :param paused: if True, init gzserver paused. :type paused: bool :param use_sim_time: if True, use the simulation time. :type use_sim_time: bool :param gui: if True, launch Gazebo with the GUI (gzclient). :type gui: bool :param recording: if True, record the data from gazebo. :type recording: bool :param debug: if True, use the debug configuration. :type debug: bool :param verbose: if True, print debug information. :type verbose: bool :param output: choose the output method for gazebo (screen, log). :type output: str [screen, log] :param custom_world_path: if not None, use this world path. :type custom_world_path: str :param custom_world_pkg: if the custom_world_path is None, use a world file from this package, specified in custom_world_name. :type custom_world_pkg: str :param custom_world_name: if the custom_world_path is None, use the world file with this name from the custom_world_pkg. :type custom_world_name: str :param respawn_gazebo: if True, gazebo will be respawned if it is killed, default is False. :type respawn_gazebo: bool :param pub_clock_frequency: the frequency of the clock publisher (in Hz) :type pub_clock_frequency: int :param server_required: if True, the launch file will wait until gzserver is running. :type server_required: bool :param gui_required: if True, the launch file will wait until gzclient is running. :type gui_required: bool :param launch_new_term: Launch the gazebo node in a new terminal (Xterm). :type launch_new_term: bool :return: True if the launch was successful, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospack = rospkg.RosPack() try: rospack.get_path('gazebo_ros') except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: rospy.logerr("The package gazebo_ros was not found") return False term_command = "roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch " # Init world paused term_command += " paused:="+str(paused) # Use sim time term_command += " use_sim_time:="+str(use_sim_time) # Enable/Disable gui term_command += " gui:="+str(gui) # Enable/Disable recording term_command += " recording:="+str(recording) # Enable/Disable debug term_command += " debug:="+str(debug) # Enable/Disable verbose term_command += " verbose:="+str(verbose) # Select output type (screen or log) term_command += " output:="+str(output) # Select world if custom_world_path is not None: term_command += " world_name:="+str(custom_world_path) elif custom_world_pkg is not None and custom_world_name is not None: try: world_pkg_path = rospack.get_path(custom_world_pkg) except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: rospy.logwarn("Package where world file is located was NOT FOUND") world_file_path = world_pkg_path + "/worlds/" + custom_world_name term_command += " world_name:="+str(world_file_path) # Enable re-spawning of gazebo term_command += " respawn_gazebo:="+str(respawn_gazebo) # Set gazebo_ros publish rate term_command += " pub_clock_frequency:="+str(pub_clock_frequency) # Set if gazebo server is required term_command += " server_required:="+str(server_required) # Set if gui is required term_command += " gui_required:="+str(gui_required) print(term_command) # Execute command if launch_new_term: term_command = "xterm -e ' " + term_command + "'" subprocess.Popen(term_command, shell=True) time.sleep(5.0) rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/pause_physics') return True
[docs]def close_Gazebo() -> bool: """ Function to close gazebo if its running. :return: True if gazebo was closed, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ term_command = "rosnode kill /gazebo /gazebo_gui" subprocess.Popen("xterm -e ' " + term_command + "'", shell=True).wait() time.sleep(0.5) term_command = "killall -9 gzserver gzclient" subprocess.Popen("xterm -e ' " + term_command + "'", shell=True).wait() return True
[docs]def gazebo_set_max_update_rate(max_update_rate) -> bool: """ Function to set the max update rate for gazebo in real time factor: 1 is real time, 10 is 10 times real time. :param max_update_rate: the max update rate for gazebo in real time factor. :type max_update_rate: float :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_physics_properties") rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/set_physics_properties") client_get_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_physics_properties", GetPhysicsProperties) orig_physics = client_get_physics() new_physics = SetPhysicsPropertiesRequest( time_step=orig_physics.time_step, max_update_rate=((1.0/orig_physics.time_step)*max_update_rate), gravity=orig_physics.gravity, ode_config=orig_physics.ode_config) client_set_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/set_physics_properties", SetPhysicsProperties) result_gaz_upd = client_set_physics(new_physics) rospy.logdebug("Gazebo physics was succesful: " + str(result_gaz_upd)) return result_gaz_upd.success
[docs]def gazebo_get_max_update_rate() -> float: """ Function to get the current max update rate. :return: the max update rate. :rtype: float """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_physics_properties") client_get_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_physics_properties", GetPhysicsProperties) physics = client_get_physics() return physics.max_update_rate
[docs]def gazebo_set_time_step(new_time_step) -> bool: """ Function to set the time step for gazebo. :param new_time_step: the new time step. :type new_time_step: float :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_physics_properties") rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/set_physics_properties") client_get_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_physics_properties", GetPhysicsProperties) orig_physics = client_get_physics() max_update_rate = orig_physics.max_update_rate / (1.0/orig_physics.time_step) new_physics = SetPhysicsPropertiesRequest( time_step=new_time_step, max_update_rate=((1.0/new_time_step)*max_update_rate), gravity=orig_physics.gravity, ode_config=orig_physics.ode_config) client_set_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/set_physics_properties", SetPhysicsProperties) result_gaz_upd = client_set_physics(new_physics) rospy.logdebug("Gazebo physics was succesful: " + str(result_gaz_upd)) return result_gaz_upd.success
[docs]def gazebo_get_time_step() -> float: """ Function to get the current time step for gazebo. :return: the time step. :rtype: float """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_physics_properties") client_get_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_physics_properties", GetPhysicsProperties) physics = client_get_physics() return physics.time_step
[docs]def gazebo_set_gravity(x, y, z) -> bool: """ Function to set the gravity for gazebo. :param x: the x component of the gravity vector. :type x: float :param y: the y component of the gravity vector. :type y: float :param z: the z component of the gravity vector. :type z: float :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_physics_properties") rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/set_physics_properties") client_get_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_physics_properties", GetPhysicsProperties) orig_physics = client_get_physics() gravity = Vector3() gravity.x = x gravity.y = y gravity.z = z new_physics = SetPhysicsPropertiesRequest( time_step=orig_physics.time_step, max_update_rate=orig_physics.max_update_rate, gravity=gravity, ode_config=orig_physics.ode_config) client_set_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/set_physics_properties", SetPhysicsProperties) result_gaz_upd = client_set_physics(new_physics) rospy.logdebug("Gazebo physics was succesful: " + str(result_gaz_upd)) return result_gaz_upd.success
[docs]def gazebo_get_gravity() -> Vector3: """ Function to get the current gravity vector for gazebo. :return: the gravity vector. :rtype: Vector3 """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_physics_properties") client_get_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_physics_properties", GetPhysicsProperties) physics = client_get_physics() return physics.gravity
[docs]def gazebo_set_ODE_physics( auto_disable_bodies, sor_pgs_precon_iters, sor_pgs_iters, sor_pgs_w, sor_pgs_rms_error_tol, contact_surface_layer, contact_max_correcting_vel, cfm, erp, max_contacts) -> bool: """ Function to set the ODE physics for gazebo. :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_physics_properties") rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/set_physics_properties") client_get_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_physics_properties", GetPhysicsProperties) orig_physics = client_get_physics() ode_config = ODEPhysics() ode_config.auto_disable_bodies = auto_disable_bodies ode_config.sor_pgs_precon_iters = sor_pgs_precon_iters ode_config.sor_pgs_iters = sor_pgs_iters ode_config.sor_pgs_w = sor_pgs_w ode_config.sor_pgs_rms_error_tol = sor_pgs_rms_error_tol ode_config.contact_surface_layer = contact_surface_layer ode_config.contact_max_correcting_vel = contact_max_correcting_vel ode_config.cfm = cfm ode_config.erp = erp ode_config.max_contacts = max_contacts new_physics = SetPhysicsPropertiesRequest( time_step=orig_physics.time_step, max_update_rate=orig_physics.max_update_rate, gravity=orig_physics.gravity, ode_config=orig_physics.ode_config) client_set_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/set_physics_properties", SetPhysicsProperties) result_gaz_upd = client_set_physics(new_physics) rospy.logdebug("Gazebo physics was succesful: " + str(result_gaz_upd)) return result_gaz_upd.success
[docs]def gazebo_get_ODE_physics() -> ODEPhysics: """ Function to get the current ODE physics for gazebo. :return: the ODE physics. :rtype: ODEPhysics """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_physics_properties") client_get_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_physics_properties", GetPhysicsProperties) physics = client_get_physics() return physics.ode_config
[docs]def gazebo_set_default_properties() -> bool: """ Function to set the default gazebo properties. :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. """ counter_sucess = 0 if gazebo_set_time_step(0.001): counter_sucess += 1 if gazebo_set_max_update_rate(1.0): counter_sucess += 1 if gazebo_set_gravity(0.0, 0.0, -9.81): counter_sucess += 1 if gazebo_set_ODE_physics(False, 0, 50, 1.3, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 20): counter_sucess += 1 if counter_sucess == 4: return True else: return False
[docs]def gazebo_reset_sim(retries=5) -> bool: """ Function to reset the simulation, which reset models to original poses AND reset the simulation time. :param retries: The number of times to retry the service call. :type retries: int :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/reset_simulation") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/reset_simulation", Empty) for retry in range(retries): try: client_srv() return True except rospy.ServiceException as e: print ("/gazebo/reset_simulation service call failed") return False
[docs]def gazebo_reset_world(retries=5) -> bool: """ Function to reset the world, which reset models to original poses WITHOUT resetting the simulation time. :param retries: The number of times to retry the service call. :type retries: int :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/reset_world") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/reset_world", Empty) for retry in range(retries): try: client_srv() return True except rospy.ServiceException as e: print ("/gazebo/reset_world service call failed") return False
[docs]def gazebo_pause_physics(retries=5) -> bool: """ Function to pause the physics in the simulation. :param retries: The number of times to retry the service call. :type retries: int :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/pause_physics") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/pause_physics", Empty) for retry in range(retries): try: client_srv() return True except rospy.ServiceException as e: print ("/gazebo/pause_physics service call failed") return False
[docs]def gazebo_unpause_physics(retries=5) -> bool: """ Function to unpause the physics in the simulation. :param retries: The number of times to retry the service call. :type retries: int :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/unpause_physics") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/unpause_physics", Empty) for retry in range(retries): try: client_srv() return True except rospy.ServiceException as e: print ("/gazebo/pause_physics service call failed") return False
[docs]def gazebo_step_physics(steps=1) -> bool: """ Function to step the physics in the simulation. :param steps: The number of times to step the simulation. :type steps: int :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/pause_physics") term_command = "gz world -m " + str(steps) subprocess.Popen(term_command, shell=True).wait() return True
[docs]def gazebo_delete_model(model_name) -> bool: """ Function to delete a model from the simulation. :param model_name: The name of the model to delete. :type model_name: str :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/delete_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/delete_model", DeleteModel) srv_model = DeleteModelRequest(model_name=model_name) result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success
[docs]def gazebo_spawn_urdf_path( model_path, model_name="robot1", robot_namespace="/", reference_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=1.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn a model from a URDF file. :param model_path: The path to the URDF file. :type model_path: str :param model_name: Name of model to spawn :type model_name: str :param robot_namespace: change ROS namespace of gazebo-plugins. :type robot_namespace: str :param reference_frame: Name of the model/body where initial pose is defined. If left empty or specified as "world", gazebo world frame is used :type reference_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :return: [True if the command was sent and False otherwise, Status message]. :rtype: [bool, str] """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model", SpawnModel) if os.path.exists(model_path) is False: print("Error: model path does not exist") return False model = xacro.process_file(model_path) encoding = {} model_string = model.toprettyxml(indent=' ', **encoding) srv_model = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=model_name, model_xml=model_string, robot_namespace=robot_namespace, initial_pose=Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)), reference_frame=reference_frame) try: result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success, result.status_message except ServiceException: print("Error: Package used in model was not found, source the workspace in all terminals.") return False
[docs]def gazebo_spawn_urdf_pkg( pkg_name, file_name, file_folder="/urdf", model_name="robot1", robot_namespace="/", reference_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=1.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn a model from a URDF file. :param pkg_name: Name of the package to import the URDF file from. :type pkg_name: str :param file_name: Name of the URDF file to import. :type file_name: str :param file_folder: Folder where the URDF file is located. Defaults to "/urdf". :type file_folder: str :param model_name: Name of model to spawn :type model_name: str :param robot_namespace: change ROS namespace of gazebo-plugins. :type robot_namespace: str :param reference_frame: Name of the model/body where initial pose is defined. If left empty or specified as "world", gazebo world frame is used :type reference_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :return: [True if the command was sent and False otherwise, Status message]. :rtype: [bool, str] """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model", SpawnModel) rospack = rospkg.RosPack() try: pkg_path = rospack.get_path(pkg_name) rospy.logdebug("Package FOUND...") except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: rospy.logerr("Package NOT FOUND") return False file_path = pkg_path + file_folder + "/" + file_name if os.path.exists(file_path) is False: print("Error: model path does not exist") return False model = xacro.process_file(file_path) encoding = {} model_string = model.toprettyxml(indent=' ', **encoding) srv_model = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=model_name, model_xml=model_string, robot_namespace=robot_namespace, initial_pose=Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)), reference_frame=reference_frame) try: result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success, result.status_message except ServiceException: print("Error: Package used in model was not found, source the workspace in all terminals.") return False
[docs]def gazebo_spawn_urdf_string( model_string, model_name="robot1", robot_namespace="/", reference_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=1.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn a model from a URDF file. :param model_string: URDF string to import. :type model_string: str :param model_name: Name of model to spawn :type model_name: str :param robot_namespace: change ROS namespace of gazebo-plugins. :type robot_namespace: str :param reference_frame: Name of the model/body where initial pose is defined. If left empty or specified as "world", gazebo world frame is used. :type reference_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :return: [True if the command was sent and False otherwise, Status message]. :rtype: [bool, str] """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model", SpawnModel) srv_model = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=model_name, model_xml=model_string, robot_namespace=robot_namespace, initial_pose=Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)), reference_frame=reference_frame) try: result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success, result.status_message except ServiceException: print("Error: Package used in model was not found, source the workspace in all terminals.") return False
[docs]def gazebo_spawn_urdf_param( param_name, model_name="robot1", robot_namespace="/", reference_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=1.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn a model from a URDF in the param server. :param param_name: Name of model to spawn :type param_name: str :param model_name: Name of model to spawn :type model_name: str :param robot_namespace: change ROS namespace of gazebo-plugins. :type robot_namespace: str :param reference_frame: Name of the model/body where initial pose is defined. If left empty or specified as "world", gazebo world frame is used. :type reference_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :return: [True if the command was sent and False otherwise, Status message]. :rtype: [bool, str] """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model", SpawnModel) final_param_name = robot_namespace + "/" + param_name if rospy.has_param(final_param_name) is False: print("Error: Parameter " + final_param_name +" does not exist") return False model_string = rospy.get_param(final_param_name) srv_model = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=model_name, model_xml=model_string, robot_namespace=robot_namespace, initial_pose=Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)), reference_frame=reference_frame) try: result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success , result.status_message except ServiceException: print("Error: Package used in model was not found, source the workspace in all terminals.") return False
[docs]def gazebo_spawn_sdf_path( model_path, model_name="robot1", robot_namespace="/", reference_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=1.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn a model from a SDF file. :param model_path: The path to the SDF file. :type model_path: str :param model_name: Name of model to spawn :type model_name: str :param robot_namespace: change ROS namespace of gazebo-plugins. :type robot_namespace: str :param reference_frame: Name of the model/body where initial pose is defined. If left empty or specified as "world", gazebo world frame is used :type reference_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) if os.path.exists(model_path) is False: print("Error: model path does not exist") return False model = xacro.process_file(model_path) encoding = {} model_string = model.toprettyxml(indent=' ', **encoding) srv_model = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=model_name, model_xml=model_string, robot_namespace=robot_namespace, initial_pose=Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)), reference_frame=reference_frame) try: result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success except ServiceException: print("Error: Package used in model was not found, source the workspace in all terminals.") return False
[docs]def gazebo_spawn_sdf_pkg( pkg_name, file_name, file_folder="/sdf", model_name="robot1", robot_namespace="/", reference_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=1.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn a model from a SDF file. :param pkg_name: Name of the package to import the SDF file from. :type pkg_name: str :param file_name: Name of the SDF file to import. :type file_name: str :param file_folder: Folder where the SDF file is located. Default is "/sdf". :type file_folder: str :param model_name: Name of model to spawn :type model_name: str :param robot_namespace: change ROS namespace of gazebo-plugins. :type robot_namespace: str :param reference_frame: Name of the model/body where initial pose is defined. If left empty or specified as "world", gazebo world frame is used :type reference_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) rospack = rospkg.RosPack() try: pkg_path = rospack.get_path(pkg_name) rospy.logdebug("Package FOUND...") except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: rospy.logerr("Package NOT FOUND") return False file_path = pkg_path + file_folder + "/" + file_name if os.path.exists(file_path) is False: print("Error: model path does not exist") return False model = xacro.process_file(file_path) encoding = {} model_string = model.toprettyxml(indent=' ', **encoding) srv_model = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=model_name, model_xml=model_string, robot_namespace=robot_namespace, initial_pose=Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)), reference_frame=reference_frame) try: result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success except ServiceException: print("Error: Package used in model was not found, source the workspace in all terminals.") return False
[docs]def gazebo_spawn_sdf_string( model_string, model_name="robot1", robot_namespace="/", reference_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=1.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn a model from a SDF file. :param model_string: SDF string to import. :type model_string: str :param model_name: Name of model to spawn :type model_name: str :param robot_namespace: change ROS namespace of gazebo-plugins. :type robot_namespace: str :param reference_frame: Name of the model/body where initial pose is defined. If left empty or specified as "world", gazebo world frame is used. :type reference_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) srv_model = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=model_name, model_xml=model_string, robot_namespace=robot_namespace, initial_pose=Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)), reference_frame=reference_frame) try: result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success except ServiceException: print("Error: Package used in model was not found, source the workspace in all terminals.") return False
[docs]def gazebo_spawn_sdf_param( param_name, model_name="robot1", robot_namespace="/", reference_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=1.0) -> bool: """ Function to spawn a model from a SDF in the param server. :param param_name: Name of model to spawn :type param_name: str :param model_name: Name of model to spawn :type model_name: str :param robot_namespace: change ROS namespace of gazebo-plugins. :type robot_namespace: str :param reference_frame: Name of the model/body where initial pose is defined. If left empty or specified as "world", gazebo world frame is used. :type reference_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) final_param_name = robot_namespace + "/" + param_name if rospy.has_param(final_param_name) is False: print("Error: Parameter " + final_param_name +" does not exist") return False model_string = rospy.get_param(final_param_name) srv_model = SpawnModelRequest( model_name=model_name, model_xml=model_string, robot_namespace=robot_namespace, initial_pose=Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)), reference_frame=reference_frame) try: result = client_srv(srv_model) return result.success except ServiceException: print("Error: Package used in model was not found, source the workspace in all terminals.") return False
[docs]def gazebo_get_model_state(model_name, relative_entity_name="world"): """ Function to get the state of a model. :param model_name: Name of model to get the state of. :type model_name: str :param relative_entity_name: Return pose and twist relative to this entity (an entity can be a model, body, or geom). :type relative_entity_name: str :return: The header of the message, the pose of the model, the twist of the model, and success. """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_model_state") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_model_state", GetModelState) srv_msg = GetModelStateRequest(model_name=model_name, relative_entity_name=relative_entity_name) try: result = client_srv(srv_msg) return result.header, result.pose, result.twist, result.success except ServiceException: print("Error processing the request") return Header(), Pose(), Twist(), False
[docs]def gazebo_set_model_state(model_name, ref_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0, ori_w=0.0, lin_vel_x=0.0, lin_vel_y=0.0, lin_vel_z=0.0, ang_vel_x=0.0, ang_vel_y=0.0, ang_vel_z=0.0, sleep_time=0.05) -> bool: """ Function to set the model name in gazebo. :param model_name: Name of model to set. :type model_name: str :param ref_frame: Reference frame of model. :type ref_frame: str :param pos_x: x position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_x: float :param pos_y: y position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_y: float :param pos_z: z position of model in model's reference frame :type pos_z: float :param ori_x: X part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_x: float :param ori_y: Y part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_y: float :param ori_z: Z part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_z: float :param ori_w: W part of Quaternion of model orientation in model's reference frame. :type ori_w: float :param lin_vel_x: X part of linear velocity of model in model's reference frame. :type lin_vel_x: float :param lin_vel_y: Y part of linear velocity of model in model's reference frame. :type lin_vel_y: float :param lin_vel_z: Z part of linear velocity of model in model's reference frame. :type lin_vel_z: float :param ang_vel_x: X part of angular velocity of model in model's reference frame. :type ang_vel_x: float :param ang_vel_y: Y part of angular velocity of model in model's reference frame. :type ang_vel_y: float :param ang_vel_z: Z part of angular velocity of model in model's reference frame. :type ang_vel_z: float :param sleep_time: Time to sleep bewteen sending request and getting response. :type sleep_time: float :return: True if the command was sent and False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/set_model_state") client_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/set_model_state", SetModelState) msg_pose = Pose( position=Point(x=pos_x, y=pos_y, z=pos_z), orientation=Quaternion(x=ori_x, y=ori_y, z=ori_z, w=ori_w)) msg_twist = Twist( linear=Vector3(x=lin_vel_x, y=lin_vel_y, z=lin_vel_z), angular=Vector3(x=ang_vel_x, y=ang_vel_y, z=ang_vel_z)) srv_msg = ModelState(model_name=model_name, pose=msg_pose, twist=msg_twist, reference_frame=ref_frame) srv_request = SetModelStateRequest(model_state=srv_msg) try: result = client_srv(srv_request) time.sleep(sleep_time) return result.success except ServiceException: print("Error processing the request") return False