Source code for ros_launch


import rospy
import rospkg
import os
import subprocess
import time

[docs]def ros_launch_from_pkg(pkg_name, launch_file, args=None, launch_new_term=True) -> bool: """ Function to execute a roslaunch from package with args. :param pkg_name: Name of the package where the launch file is located. :type pkg_name: str :param launch_file: Name of the launch file. :type launch_file: str :param args: Args to pass to the launch file. :type args: list of str :param launch_new_term: Launch the process in a new terminal (Xterm). :type launch_new_term: bool :return: True if the launch file was executed. :rtype: bool """ rospack = rospkg.RosPack() try: pkg_path = rospack.get_path(pkg_name) rospy.logdebug("Package FOUND...") except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: rospy.logerr("Package NOT FOUND") return False file_path = pkg_path + "/launch/" + launch_file if os.path.exists(pkg_path + "/launch/" + launch_file) is False: print("Launch file " + launch_file + " in " + file_path + " does not exists") return False term_command = "roslaunch " + pkg_name + " " + launch_file if args is not None: for arg in args: term_command += " " + arg if launch_new_term: term_command = "xterm -e ' " + term_command + "'" subprocess.Popen(term_command, shell=True) time.sleep(5.0) return True
[docs]def ros_launch_from_path(launch_file_path, args=None, launch_new_term=True) -> bool: """ Function to execute a roslaunch from a path with args. :param launch_file_path: Path of the launch file. :type launch_file_path: str :param args: Args to pass to the launch file. :type args: list str :param launch_new_term: Launch the process in a new terminal (Xterm). :type launch_new_term: bool :return: True if the launch file was executed. :rtype: bool """ if os.path.exists(launch_file_path) is False: print("Launch file " + launch_file_path + " does not exists") return False term_command = "roslaunch " + launch_file_path if args is not None: for arg in args: term_command += " " + arg if launch_new_term: term_command = "xterm -e ' " + term_command + "'" subprocess.Popen(term_command, shell=True) time.sleep(5.0) return True
[docs]def ros_kill_launch_process() -> bool: """ Function to kill all roslaunch processes. :return: True if the roslaunch processes were killed. :rtype: bool """ term_command = "killall -9 roslaunch" subprocess.Popen("xterm -e ' " + term_command + "'", shell=True).wait() return True