Source code for ros_params


import rospy
import rospkg
import os
import rosparam

[docs]def ros_load_yaml_from_pkg(pkg_name, file_name, ns='/') -> bool: """ Fetch a YAML file from a package and load it into the ROS Parameter Server. :param pkg_name: name of package. :type pkg_name: str :param file_name: name of file. :type file_name: str :param ns: namespace to load parameters into. :type ns: str :return: True if file was loaded, false otherwise. :rtype: bool """ rospack = rospkg.RosPack() try: pkg_path = rospack.get_path(pkg_name) rospy.logdebug("Package FOUND...") except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound: rospy.logerr("Package NOT FOUND") return False file_path = pkg_path + "/config/" + file_name if os.path.exists(pkg_path + "/config/" + file_name) is False: print("Config file " + file_name + " in " + file_path + " does not exists") return False paramlist=rosparam.load_file(file_path) for params, namespace in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) return True
[docs]def ros_load_yaml_from_path(file_path, ns='/') -> bool: """ Fetch a YAML file from a path and load it into the ROS Parameter Server. :param file_path: path to file. :type file_path: str :param ns: namespace to load parameters into. :type ns: str :return: True if file was loaded, false otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if os.path.exists(file_path) is False: print("Config file " + file_path + " does not exists") return False paramlist=rosparam.load_file(file_path) for params, namespace in paramlist: rosparam.upload_params(ns,params) return True