Source code for ros_spawn


import rospy
import time
from frobs_rl.common import ros_gazebo
from frobs_rl.common import ros_controllers
from frobs_rl.common import ros_node
from frobs_rl.common import ros_params
from frobs_rl.common import ros_urdf

[docs]def init_robot_state_pub(namespace="/", max_pub_freq=None, launch_new_term=False) -> bool: """ Funtion to initialize the robot state publisher. :param namespace: Namespace of the robot. :type namespace: str :param max_pub_freq: Maximum frequency of the publisher. :type max_pub_freq: float :param launch_new_term: Launch the process in a new terminal (Xterm). :type launch_new_term: bool :return: Return true if the publisher was initialized. :rtype: bool """ if max_pub_freq is not None: if namespace != "/": rospy.set_param(namespace + "/rob_st_pub/publish_frequency", max_pub_freq) else: rospy.set_param("/rob_st_pub/publish_frequency", max_pub_freq) return ros_node.ros_node_from_pkg("robot_state_publisher", "robot_state_publisher", launch_new_term=launch_new_term, name="rob_st_pub", ns=namespace)
[docs]def spawn_model_in_gazebo( pkg_name, model_urdf_file, controllers_file, controllers_list=[], model_urdf_folder="/urdf", ns="/", args_xacro=None, max_pub_freq=None, rob_st_term=False, gazebo_name="robot1", gaz_ref_frame="world", pos_x=0.0, pos_y=0.0, pos_z=0.0, ori_w=0.0, ori_x=0.0, ori_y=0.0, ori_z=0.0): """ Function to spawn a model in gazebo. :param pkg_name: Package name of the model. :type pkg_name: str :param model_urdf_file: Name of the model urdf file. :type model_urdf_file: str :param controllers_file: Name of the controllers file. If None then no controllers will be loaded. :type controllers_file: str :param controllers_list: List of the controllers to be loaded. :type controllers_list: list :param model_urdf_folder: Folder where the model urdf file is located. Default is "/urdf". :type model_urdf_folder: str :param ns: Namespace of the model. Default is "/". :type ns: str :param args_xacro: Arguments to be passed to xacro. :type args_xacro: list :param max_pub_freq: Maximum frequency of the robot state publisher. :type max_pub_freq: float :param rob_st_term: Launch the robot state publisher in a new terminal (Xterm). :type rob_st_term: bool :param gazebo_name: Name of the gazebo model. :type gazebo_name: str :param gaz_ref_frame: Reference frame of the gazebo model. :type gaz_ref_frame: str :param pos_x: X position of the gazebo model. :param pos_y: Y position of the gazebo model. :param pos_z: Z position of the gazebo model. :type pos_x: float :type pos_y: float :type pos_z: float :param ori_w: W orientation of the gazebo model. :param ori_x: X orientation of the gazebo model. :param ori_y: Y orientation of the gazebo model. :param ori_z: Z orientation of the gazebo model. :type ori_w: float :type ori_x: float :type ori_y: float :type ori_z: float :return: Return true if the model was spawned. :rtype: bool """ # Load the model URDF in the parameter server if ros_urdf.urdf_load_from_pkg(pkg_name, model_urdf_file, "robot_description", folder=model_urdf_folder, ns=ns, args_xacro=args_xacro): rospy.logwarn("URDF file loaded successfully") else: rospy.logwarn("Error while loading URDF file") return False time.sleep(0.1) # Initialize the Robot State Publisher if init_robot_state_pub(namespace=ns, max_pub_freq=max_pub_freq, launch_new_term=rob_st_term): rospy.logwarn("Robot state publisher initialized") else: rospy.logwarn("Error while initializing robot state publisher") return False time.sleep(0.1) # Spawn the model in gazebo result_spawn, message = ros_gazebo.gazebo_spawn_urdf_param("robot_description", model_name=gazebo_name, robot_namespace=ns, reference_frame=gaz_ref_frame, pos_x=pos_x, pos_y=pos_y, pos_z=pos_z, ori_w=ori_w, ori_x=ori_x, ori_y=ori_y, ori_z=ori_z,) if result_spawn: rospy.logwarn("Model spawned successfully") else: rospy.logwarn("Error while spawning model") rospy.logwarn(message) return False time.sleep(0.1) if controllers_file is not None: # Load the robot controllers from YAML files in the parameter server if ros_params.ros_load_yaml_from_pkg(pkg_name, controllers_file, ns=ns): rospy.logwarn("Robot controllers loaded successfully") else: rospy.logwarn("Error while loading robot controllers") return False time.sleep(0.1) # Spawn the controllers if ros_controllers.spawn_controllers_srv(controllers_list, ns=ns): rospy.logwarn("Controllers spawned successfully") else: rospy.logwarn("Error while spawning controllers") return False return True