
Basic robot enviroment, inheriting the Gym basic env. This class is inherited by every other robot enviroment in the FRobs_RL library.

class robot_BasicEnv.RobotBasicEnv(launch_gazebo=False, gazebo_init_paused=True, gazebo_use_gui=True, gazebo_recording=False, gazebo_freq=100, world_path=None, world_pkg=None, world_filename=None, gazebo_max_freq=None, gazebo_timestep=None, spawn_robot=False, model_name_in_gazebo='robot', namespace='/robot', pkg_name=None, urdf_file=None, urdf_folder='/urdf', controller_file=None, controller_list=None, urdf_xacro_args=None, rob_state_publisher_max_freq=None, rob_st_term=False, model_pos_x=0.0, model_pos_y=0.0, model_pos_z=0.0, model_ori_x=0.0, model_ori_y=0.0, model_ori_z=0.0, model_ori_w=0.0, reset_controllers=False, reset_mode=1, step_mode=1, num_gazebo_steps=1)[source]

Basic enviroment for all the robot environments in the frobs_rl library. To use a custom world, one can use two options: 1) set the path directly to the world file (world_path) or set the pkg name and world filename (world_pkg and world_filename).

  • launch_gazebo (bool) – If True, launch Gazebo at the start of the env.

  • gazebo_init_paused (bool) – If True, Gazebo is initialized in a paused state.

  • gazebo_use_gui (bool) – If True, Gazebo is launched with a GUI (through gzclient).

  • gazebo_recording (bool) – If True, Gazebo is launched with a recording of the GUI (through gzclient).

  • gazebo_freq (int) – The publish rate of gazebo in Hz.

  • world_path (str) – If using a custom world then the path to the world.

  • world_pkg (str) – If using a custom world then the package name of the world.

  • world_filename (str) – If using a custom world then the filename of the world.

  • gazebo_max_freq (float) – max update rate for gazebo in real time factor: 1 is real time, 10 is 10 times real time.

  • gazebo_timestep (float) – The timestep of gazebo in seconds.

  • spawn_robot (bool) – If True, the robot is spawned in the environment.

  • model_name_in_gazebo (str) – The name of the model in gazebo.

  • namespace (str) – The namespace of the robot.

  • pkg_name (str) – The package name where the robot model is located.

  • urdf_file (str) – The path to the urdf file of the robot.

  • urdf_folder (str) – The path to the folder where the urdf files are located. Default is “/urdf”.

  • urdf_xacro_args (str) – The arguments to be passed to the xacro parser.

  • controller_file (str) – The path to the controllers YAML file of the robot.

  • controller_list (list of str) – The list of controllers to be launched.

  • rob_state_publisher_max_freq (int) – The maximum frequency of the ros state publisher.

  • rob_st_term (bool) – If True, the robot state publisher is launched in a new terminal.

  • model_pos_x – The x position of the robot in the world.

  • model_pos_y – The y position of the robot in the world.

  • model_pos_z – The z position of the robot in the world.

  • model_ori_x – The x orientation of the robot in the world.

  • model_ori_y – The y orientation of the robot in the world.

  • model_ori_z – The z orientation of the robot in the world.

  • model_ori_w – The w orientation of the robot in the world.

  • reset_controllers (bool) – If True, the controllers are reset at the start of each episode.

  • reset_mode – If 1, reset Gazebo with a “reset_world” (Does not reset time) If 2, reset Gazebo with a “reset_simulation” (Resets time)

  • step_mode – If 1, step Gazebo using the “pause_physics” and “unpause_physics” services. If 2, step Gazebo using the “step_simulation” command.

  • num_gazebo_steps – If using step_mode 2, the number of steps to be taken.


Function to send an action to the robot and get the observation and reward.


Function to reset the enviroment after an episode is done.


Function to close the environment when training is done.


Function to send an action to the robot


Function to get the observation from the enviroment.


Function to get the reward from the enviroment.


Function to check if the episode is done.

If the episode has a success condition then set done as:[‘is_success’] = 1.0


Function to reset the gazebo simulation.


Function to check if the gazebo and ros connections are ready


Function to set some parameters, like the position of the robot, at the begining of each episode.